Wednesday, 21 December 2011


2011 was a unique year for CBC; we started with year with a renewed focus in Infrastructure, particularly Power which is critical for most of the Commonwealth’s countries.

In February we held the first Commonwealth Ministerial Power Summit that build on our work with the Nigerian Government on the Power sector privatisation plans and brought together stakeholders in the Power Sector from India, the Caribbean and Africa.

We have held Country Investment Forum’s in Namibia and Zambia hosted by the respective Heads of Government and Regional Forums focusing on Infrastructure in SADC, EAC and the Caribbean. However the highlight of the year was the Commonwealth Business Forum held in Perth alongside CHOGM. The Forum was the biggest we have ever held, bringing together 16 Heads of Government and 1400 business leaders from 70 countries across the Commonwealth and beyond.

We are proud of what we have achieved over the last year; we have seen considerable investment in Infrastructure particularly power and Transport. Additionally, this year has seen large investments in the Mining sectors of Nigeria, Namibia, and Mozambique. In Oil and Gas, investment into Nigeria, Uganda and Trinidad and Tobago, interestingly there have been high levels of south-south investment in this sector.

The Commonwealth Business Forum alone resulted in nearly $10 billion invested in Africa from Australian Companies. But a true highlight of the year, and a real indication of how much the world has changed over the last decade that CBC has been operating, was introducing a Tanzanian businessman to the Prime Minister of Australia as the latest investor in her countries Mining Industry.

I'll also take the chance to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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